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Luxe Luxury Hotel Website

This website is about the 3 best hotels provided by one founder. The client is an imaginary client. This website provides rooms, facilities, blogs, booking, and many more…  


First of all, I started from sketches, wireframes, and mock-ups, and then when I had my design already, I began to start to hand-code, which took me 1 month to finish the project. I decided to have 5 navigation bars with a check-out and a check-in bar and also add people to review with user access to the website.  


After I did hand-coding, I started to add images and content. All images came from Unsplash. For the design, I added animation, a slideshow gallery and many more.  
Role and Software:

Sublime / Front End Developer


HTML, CSS, Boostrap and JS


march 2019


For a mockup, I decided to make a classic but dynamic at the same time, add additional hover and animation on the website, to make adding it dynamic.